Womble Bond Dickinson LLP

Heat Networks vary greatly in scale, scope and purpose. A scheme which is part of a new urban development is very different to one which uses waste industrial heat to decarbonise domestic heating in nearby housing stock and/or improve the efficiency of neighbouring commercial or industrial processes. The identity of those involved, the incentives (commercial, regulatory and policy), the transaction structure and the sources of finance are all likely to be different.

Our team appreciates these differences. We take the time to understand them, and where relevant develop them with our clients, before providing high quality, specialist advice which is informed by an extensive track record of successfully delivering deals. Our role with BEIS in developing guidance for Local Authorities on procuring finance, (available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/heat-networksprocuring-finance) demonstrates our know-how and our commitment to this rapidly developing market.

Our specialist heat networks team comprises a range of legal professionals with a wealth of experience covering project structuring, joint ventures and partnering, public procurement, state aid, commercial contracting and real estate. They are supported, as necessary, by other specialist lawyers across the firm including in relation to corporate and debt funding, construction and energy regulation.

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UK-wide from 7 regional offices, and from 22 offices in the United States


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