Vital Energi Utilities Limited

Roman Road

As a complete project delivery and service business, Vital Energi provides an end-to-end sustainable energy service from concept and design through to installation and long-term asset management.  We also offer an Energy Services Company solution and can advise our clients on the most cost-effective combination of technologies and design solutions that meet their needs and maximise the potential of government incentives and policies. Our passion for innovation has meant that we remain a key architect of the growth of green energy in the UK and are proud of our position as one of the first British companies to provide it.


Generation solutions which will include an integrated energy solution to decarbonise your project.

  • Alternative renewable technologies
  • Heat pumps
  • Solar generation
  • Waste to heat recovery
  • Trigeneration – Combined cooling, heat & power (CCHP)
  • Combined heat & power (CHP)
  • Biomass


  • Networks delivered to the highest standards and supported by long term warranties.
  • District Heating, cooling and ambient loop networks
  • Pre – insulated pipes
  • Risers and laterals
  • Multi-utilities


Managing, measuring and monitoring your energy to reduce your energy spend.

  • Automated meter reading (AMR)
  • Customer care
  • Energy supply
  • Billing & data collection
  • Heat interface units (HIUs)
  • Energy conservation measures
  • Smart Metering Solutions
  • Glass – Smart Metering App

Key information

Location And Reach

UK mainland


  • Developer