Gowling WLG

Four More London

Our structure includes a market-leading multi-disciplinary specialist energy team which has extensive expertise in the development, construction and operation of energy projects. We have particular expertise in advising on Public Law, State Aid, Public Procurement, construction and operational agreements in the context of energy and heat generation schemes.


Our particular experience includes:

Advising supporting residential & commercial developers on on the capital stage and long term operational arrangements (including the form of connection agreement and residential and commercial contracts for the supply of heat and cooling) for both onsite heat generation and connections to district heating networks. This includes advice on matters including heat regulation, electricity regulation, s20 of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1985, collateral warranties from the principal building contractor, the provisions of the plot leases linked to district heating, heat supply terms, benchmarking of the charges to be payable by occupants, guaranteed standards for customers, and a sinking fund for life-cycle asset replacement.

Advising on the construction, financing and long term operation of biomass fired industrial heat networks.

Advising a UK local authority on feasibility, structuring and project documentation for a district energy scheme. Our multi-disciplinary team advised on matters such as statutory powers, state aid, L&T Act 1985, procurement, tax, planning, property, and street works.

Advising on the acquisition of district heating projects from local authority (including boilers, heat network and customer contracts).

Advising on multiple Energy from Waste (EfW) projects for developers, contractors and waste authorities.

Key information

Location And Reach

UK and Global
(20 offices in 11 countries)


  • Consultancy

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BSI EN ISO 9001 (Quality Management - held for more than 25 years)

ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (and we are certified on the Cyber Essentials Plus Scheme).

ISO:14001 certification (Environmental Management System).

ISO 22301 (Business Continuity Management System)

ISO50001 (Energy Management).